1.Basic Linux commands :
Commands | Description |
ls | Lists all files and directories in the present working directory |
ls -R | Lists files in sub-directories as well |
ls -a | Lists hidden files as well |
ls -al | Lists files and directories with detailed information like permissions, size, owner, etc. |
cd ~ | Navigate to the HOME directory |
cd . . | Move one level up |
cd | To change to a particular directory |
cd / | Move to the root directory |
cat > filename | Creates a new file |
cat filename | Displays the file content |
cat file1 file2 > file3 | Joins two files (file1, file2) and stores the output in a new file (file3) |
mv file "new file path" | Moves the files to the new location |
mv filename new_file_name | Renames the file to a new filename |
sudo | Allows regular users to run programs with the security privileges of the superuser or root |
rm filename | Deletes a file |
man | Gives help information on a command |
history | Gives a list of all past commands typed in the current terminal session |
clear | Clears the terminal |
mkdir directory-name | Creates a new directory in the present working directory or an at the specified path |
rmdir | Deletes a directory |
mv | Renames a directory |
apt-get | The command used to install and update packages |
File Permission commands :
Command | Description |
ls -l | to show file type and access permission |
r | read permission |
w | write permission |
x | execute permission |
-= | no permission |
Chown user | For changing the ownership of a file/directory |
Chown user: group filename | change the user as well as a group for a file or directory |
Environment Variables command :
Command | Description |
echo $VARIABLE | To display the value of a variable |
env | Displays all environment variables |
VARIABLE_NAME=variable_value | Create a new variable |
Unset | Remove a variable |
export Variable=value | To set the value of an environment variable |
User management commands of Linux :
Command | Description |
sudo adduser username | To add a new user |
sudo passwd -l 'username' | To change the password of a user |
sudo userdel -r 'username' | To remove a newly created user |
sudo usermod -a -G GROUPNAME USERNAME | To add a user to a group |
sudo deluser USER GROUP NAME | To remove a user from a group |
finger | Shows information of all the users logged in |
finger username | Gives information about a particular user |
Networking commands :
Command | Description | |
SSH username@ip-address or hostname | login into a remote Linux machine using SSH | |
Ping hostname="" or ="" | To ping and Analyze network and host connections | |
dir | Display files in the current directory of a remote computer | |
cd "dirname" | change the directory to “dirname” on a remote computer | |
put file | upload ‘file’ from local to remote computer | |
get file | Download the ‘file’ from the remote to the local computer | |
quit | Logout |
Process commands :
Command | Description | |
bg | To send a process to the background | |
fg | To run a stopped process in the foreground | |
top | Details on all Active Processes | |
ps | Give the status of processes running for a user | |
ps PID | Gives the status of a particular process | |
pidof | Gives the Process ID (PID) of a process | |
kill PID | Kills a process | |
nice | Starts a process with a given priority | |
renice | Changes the priority of an already running process | |
df | Gives free hard disk space on your system | |
free | Gives free RAM on your system | |
2.Cheat sheet on Git-GitHub.
git init: To Initialize a new Git repository in the current directory.
git --version: To confirm that you have installed Git.
git clone <repository-url>: To clone the remote repo to the local repo.
git status: To check the current status of the repo.
git add <file_name>: To add a file to the staging area to be included in the next commit.
git commit -m <Commit Message>: Make a commit by taking the updated working tree contents of the paths specified on the command line.
git push -u origin main: To push the local commits to a remote repository.
git revert <commit-id>: To remove or edit changes you’ve made in the code in previous commits.
git rebase <branch name>: To remove or edit changes you’ve made in the code in previous commits.
git merge: Git merge is a command that allows developers to merge Git branches while the logs of commits on branches remain intact.
git stash: Use git stash to save the changes without committing them.
git log --oneline: To print a single commit in a single line as output when the git log command is executed using this option.
git checkout <branch_name>: Command lets you navigate between the branches created by git branch.
git cherry-pick <commit_id>: To apply changes from a specific commit to the current branch.
git push origin --delete <branch>: To fully delete a remote branch on GitHub.
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